Analysis of heat dissipation structure of surgical shadowless lamp

Shadowless lamp is a common medical device for medical workers, many people are very familiar with some parameters such as color temperature and illuminance, but the heat dissipation method of the surgical lamp may not be well understood. Today, Shandong Mingtai Medical Group will introduce you to the cooling system of surgical lamp LED . With good convection heat dissipation, s urgical lamp can provide good heat dissipation for surgical shadowless lamps, to ensure the normal illumination and the long service life of the operation light. It comprises cover, mirror with an opening at the top end, insulating glass, handle and light source assembly; The light source assembly includes a light source and a heat shield body having an opening portion and a bottom vent hole; Forming a convection passage between the mirror disposed in the outer cover and the outer cover; A compartment space is formed between the reflector and the insulating glass which is between the reflector and...