How important is the shadowless light for surgery?
surgery light is lighting equipment
which us widely used in hospital, it is necessary lighting equipment for modern
operating room. It is suitable for different surgeries, such as brain surgery
and thoracic surgery.
why does surgery need medical light? Everybody knows that the light
source illumination in our daily life will show a shadow, it doesn’t have big
effect on our lives. But if we use ordinary light in surgery, the shadow of the
medical staff will be presented, maybe the surgery field will be blocked, which
will affect surgery.
is not only without shadow. To meet the surgery requirement, shadowless lamp is
not only required to eliminate shadows as much as possible, reduce the
distortion of color, but also maintain long-term work. Some operations require
more than ten hours of continuous work, if the situation is urgent, the surgical
shadowless lamp must be able to work continuously for dozens of hours or even
hundreds of hours.
ordinary light will emite excessive heat, which will boring the tissue in
surgery field, affect surgery, and also affect the patient's body.
summary, surgical lamp can better see the objects
of different depths and low contrast in the incision and body control. It is
helpful to patient, and bring great convenience to medical staff.