Avoid non-standard operation when using surgery light

Now many people are familiar with surgery light because it has been used in operating room for many years. Besides performance and price factors, the buyers are most concerned with shadowless lamp quality. What is quality related to? Many people think that it is material and craftsmanship. Yes, it is, but it is not all. Those factors play very import role for product quality, but the quality also is affected by user. Sometimes the shadowless lamp are good products, but it may be damaged because of user improper operation. Shandong Mingtai Medical Equipment Group Co., Ltd glad to analysis those bad habits when use surgical light.
1. The height of the shadowless lamp head does not meet the best position; the lamp head is at least 2m above the ground.
2. The facilities fixed on the ceiling are not properly positioned, and it is not easy for the lamp head to rotate, or the rotation easily collided with other objects.
3. When cleaning shadowless lights, using corrosive liquids will damage lamp surface.
4. Randomly increase other objects on the suspension arm of the surgical lamp, affecting the counterweight balance of the suspension arm.
5. Halogen bulbs are very sensitive to human body fat. Sometimes the human body fat touch the bulb through the fingers. The human body fat will produce “hot spots” and affect the service life of the bulb.
6. Halogen lamp bulb replacement does not match the original lamp bulb power.
7. Frequent cleaning mirror reflectors of the lamp bulbs, which are prone to wear, can affect the life of the bulb mirror surfaces.
8. Frequent switching of operating lights will have an adverse effect on the operating light supply module and the lamp body
9. Only use, never check and maintain.
Those are the non-standard operation habits of using surgical lamps. When using operating light, we hope that you can use them in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, so as to obtain a better user experience.



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